There are certain things that just have to bite the schedule sometimes. Like concert band rehearsal three weeks ago (I really was busy), like flossing one's teeth, like sleeping.
And maintaining the old personal blog started amongst much (much?) fanfare. I could offer a long and drawn out list of rational and reasonable excuses for not posting—no. I could humbly and graciously apologize (I humbly and graciously apologize for not posting—but, no). Or I could do what I meant to do five years ago at the very beginning of the Great Canadian Undergraduate Adventure (see also: sleep, lack thereof, papers, philosophy, journalism and Life). I could publish a Top 10 list publicly.
(Like anyone reads them on this blog beyond my mother and the Gazette's sports editor—hi, Ian!)
Some context: I enjoy creating top 10 lists. They're not particularly original in formatting, but I'd like to think the content offers some sort of unique view on the world. Or it might make you laugh—a bit. Traditionally I did them on Thursdays, and emailed them to my mother. Since neither of these are true now and tradition is something I rarely follow at the best of times, here's Top 10! Now proudly on Wednesdays, or whenever I remember/get time to do it.
This week: The Top 10 Things to Avoid if You Want to Regularly Update a Blog!