10. "Assimilation of Kal Drezzar 1-5.doc" The current novel project grew out of the previous one much like Borg implants grow out of organic flesh.
9. "Character List.doc" and "Character List and Explanation.doc" I have no idea which is the correct one.
8. "Elements of Ch131.doc" I have no idea what's in this one, either, but I'm pretty sure none of it made it into the book.
7. "Oh look, more notes on Galan.doc" He's a problematic character. This is not his only note document.
6. "The Immutable Laws (working document).doc" A compilation of unbreakable rules of my project's fictional world written in full bureaucratese in the voice of my world's deities, complete with footnotes outlining legal appeal processes.
5. "The Silent People--A Relationship.doc" Wherein I attempt to work out the purpose of the characters I just created.
4. "The Table of Comparative Symbolic Awesomeness.doc"
3. "Red is used in Ch44.doc" More of a kind of existential statement.
2. "The Don't Read This Yet Chronicles #5--The Long Lost Story of John Andrews' Boring Escapades In Reality.doc" For a long time I kept a series of notes with material about later parts of the story that I could come back to later. Good idea in theory. When I got to "later" I realized I had forgotten to write a major character into much of the book (he's now a minor character). This was my solution to that problem... which I left for later and promptly forgot about.
1. "Half of what was once Lore's song before we got tired of transcribing out the chorus and just cut the damn thing.doc" For reference.
For the record, this afternoon's note was entitled "Another Goddamn Party Note.doc"
I've really been working on this project for far too long.
(I do have a large number of functional, living documents that track the important things that haven't been revised out years ago, but those filenames are much less fun.)
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